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School Projects

Helping students express their voice
and together make a difference.

What We'll Do

Our organization works with teachers and school faculty members to empower students. We use art as a medium so that the students can express, process, and build hope through their creativity. 

Russell Sage school
Unis Carousel 2

How It Works

 The young minds we work with ask who needs hope? We believe in empowering students to create hope where they see the most important in their community or worldwide. 

The Impact

The positive benefits of art include problem-solving skills, understanding the self and one’s world, strengthening connections with others. Volunteering early in life promotes a healthy lifestyle and empathy, and good choices – all things that help lead to enhanced psychological development, intellectual growth, and increased self-esteem. Our mission is intended to create hope from tragedy; this combination gives great potential for limitless positivity.


Partnership Opportunity

By investing in the growth and resilience of young people, you are seen as a force for good. Stars of HOPE is an opportunity for your organization to play a critical role in healing individuals and communities around the globe. Build trust in your brand by showing that mental health and human factors are on your radar, demonstrating a commitment to rebuilding communities as well as lives.
Transforming Lives Through Art

Triple Your Impact

Join us in spreading hope, resilience, and support through the power of art. Your donation is tripled today, making an even greater impact!

Hope Banks


Thank you for creating
stars of hope® box of hope

Please Ship completed stars to:

2678 Arctic Thyme Vw. #201
Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.