HOPE Shines in Puerto Rico


HOPE Shines in Puerto Rico

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In January 2017 Stars of HOPE joined Florida and Puerto Rico Art Therapy Chapters to deliver Stars created by families and teams around the US. We then created Stars of HOPE with children in schools and families living in shelters after Hurricane Maria.

Volunteers came from all around the island of Puerto Rico to help empower neighbors to stay resilient and inspire children to make a change. One of those volunteers was Urania, an art therapist in Puerto Rico who has continued to use Stars of HOPE left for future activities.

Urania Dominguez, MA, CCLS, AT – Child Life Program
San Jorge Children and Women’s Hospital

“I work at the Mental Health and Oncology units where we also speak about hope and the Stars of Hope Program. They have been an amazing addition to the activities we do at the hospital.”

Urania continues to use Stars of HOPE in a variety of activities:

  • Pediatric Mental Health Unit
  • Pediatric Oncology Unit
  • Home for Abused Girls
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Activity
  • LGBTQ 5k Race
  • Home for the Elderly

Urania continues to Create, Empower, and Heal others through the help of our sponsors and supporters. Every Box of HOPE purchase helps to fund projects across the globe.

Your donations keep the healing going click here to sponsor a Box of HOPE today.

Thank you to Puerto Rico Art Therapy Association and Florida Art Therapy Association for creating connections and healing through art. Today, with the help of over 90,000 volunteers, Stars of HOPE have transformed over 220 communities in 26 countries impacted by disaster and tragedy with messages of hope, healing and resilience. Thank you to our National Community Sponsor KMPG, LLP. Stars of HOPE® is a registered trademark of New York Says Thank You Foundation.

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stars of hope® box of hope

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Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.