David Posnak Jewish Day School Pays It Forward in honor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas


David Posnak Jewish Day School Pays It Forward in honor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas

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February 14th, 2019 – It is said that teachers change the world. Michele Berstien is one of those teachers, a visual arts educator at the Posnak Jewish Day School. Drawn to the message and concept of Stars of HOPE Berstien reached out via Facebook. Living in Parkland for many years, February 14th affected Berstien’s life and those around her deeply.

The pay it forward project took place on the campus of Posnak Jewish Day School. Students came painting and talking, remembering the importance of the day as uplifting music was played and encouragement abounded.

Local volunteers assisted the project, thank you to Barbara Glick Van Asselt and Meredith Joy for your volunteerism. The school Principal and several faculty members joined in to create hope as well.

“No words can describe how amazing today was! Just having everyone come visit to take part in the painting of the Stars was so meaningful. I could see how they were honestly expressing their feelings of the day.” – Michele Berstien

Stars of HOPE will be displayed at Posnak Jewish Day School to honor the memory of the lives taken. Berstien then plans to pay the stars forward, through service projects with students to different establishments and members of Parkland.

Program Manager: Stephanie@starsofhopeusa.org

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One Response

  1. It had poured the previous day, but the sun was shining in a brilliant blue sky. Michele had tables, paint & brushes waiting for us, and the students had been anticipating the painting event. Inspirational music in Hebrew and English set the mood as students painted stars with words of encouragement in beautiful, vibrant colors. It was truly an honor to have participated in this painting event on the 1 year anniversary of the tragedy in Parkland. Thank you Stephanie, Michele and the students and teachers at Posnak Jewish Day School for spreading hope! And thanks to Andrew for the music!

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