The Hidden Wounds: Understanding and Coping with PTSD in Disaster Survivors
When someone survives a disaster such as a hurricane, earthquake, terrorist attack, or accident, their problems don’t necessarily end when the event does. For many people who have witnessed or experienced a disaster, the symptoms of PTSD become a greater burden than the trauma. Although survivors may be safe, their minds are still struggling with the aftermath. Post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as “PTSD,” is common among disaster survivors. In this article, we’ll explore the challenges of coping with PTSD after a disaster and provide effective strategies for survivors.
Art-Based Self-Expression for Emotional Release
Art-based self-expression can be a powerful tool for facilitating emotional release and promoting healing. Discover how Stars of HOPE can be used as a tool for self-care and support for individuals impacted by trauma. Learn how art-based self-expression can help individuals connect with their emotions and find a sense of peace and clarity. Join us in creating messages of hope and love through our Stars of HOPE program and experience the healing power of art for yourself.