Stars of HOPE® the perfect project for Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.

Share This Post Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on email How KPMG, HBO, JetBlue and many other corporations empower children to create hope in the world. Take your Daughters and Sons 2019 theme “Workforce Development For All” is synergistic with the mission of Stars of HOPE. We encourage children of […]
Tulsa Girl Scouts Paint Stars of HOPE for Teacher Battling Breast Cancer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tulsa Girl Scouts Troop 442 used a little paint, some creativity, and compassion to send messages of healing to their teacher battling breast cancer. For this service project, the scouts teamed up with Stars of HOPE® USA, an organization that empowers children to bring hope to those in need through the messages of healing. “Stars […]