Hope Banks
Thank you for creating
stars of hope® box of hope
Please Ship completed stars to:
2678 Arctic Thyme Vw. #201
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.
Grief is a universal human experience. We created Stars of HOPE to help with the healing process following tragedies large and small by providing healing art projects for communities in need.
If your community has endured a tragic event, let us provide art as a tool in your communities healing process. Our art therapists and staff will develop an individualized program that fits the unique needs of you or others affected by tragedy using Therapeutic Art .
We understand that what you need is your voice in the conversation. Our project will give a safe space for community members to express themselves and let their voices be heard through dialogue, activities, writing exercises and workshops with peers who have experienced similar tragedies.
After your Stars of HOPE are complete, our goal is to empower each person with the therapeutic tool of art while providing hope for another grieving community. Our mission will be achieved by using your stars in a way that helps them heal and gives back to others impacted by tragedy.
Please Ship completed stars to:
2678 Arctic Thyme Vw. #201
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.