Stars of HOPE to Hurricane Michael Survivors

Share This Post Share on facebook Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on email Panama City, Florida – On February 1st fifteen hundred bay county 5th-grade students created Stars of HOPE for there community. Painting colorful stars and messages of healing. That will be seen across the community. “After the hurricane, we knew that […]

A Wray of light is added to Stars of HOPE

December 1, 2018 – We are excited to announce a new team member to the Stars of HOPE family. Stephanie Wray ATR-P, LMHCI, YYT will assume the role of Stars of HOPE Program Manager. Stephanie joins after consulting as an art therapist and volunteering on multiple projects over the past year, connecting our mission with […]

San Bernardino Continues to Create Hope for Others

December 8th, 2018, San Bernardino, CA -Stars of HOPE®USA has attended San Bernardino’s Winter Wonderland Festival. Bringing hope to the community-at-large impacted by the senseless shooting on December 2nd, 2016. Honoring the lives taken and continue the healing of survivors and family members. Volunteers joined from the local Humane Society and accompanied by survivors and […]

Hope Banks


Thank you for creating
stars of hope® box of hope

Please Ship completed stars to:

2678 Arctic Thyme Vw. #201
Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.