Renee Branson Executive Director of the Sexual Assault Resource Agency in Charlottesville, VA and founder of RB Consulting
Superintendent Jay Allen Gooding Sr. Currently serves as president of the 49th Precinct Clergy Council. He is the “Director of Community Outreach”, SUV (Stand Up to Violence), Bronx SNUG, Jacobi Hospital (an extension of “Cure Violence, Chicago, Illinois)
Rose Lucero Extensive history of helping others both in her professional and volunteer positions. We connected with Rose through her leadership in El Paso, TX.
Joél Junior Morales Foundation manager for Contigo Fund. A participatory, Community-Driven, and the First and Only LGBTQ+ Latinx Fund in the United States.
Erica Wisner Cantorial Soloist at Congregation Shomrei Torah and is a cantorial student at the Academy for Jewish Religion, CA. Introduced during the Tubbs wildfire burned through Sonoma County, CA in 2017
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