Hope Banks
Thank you for creating
stars of hope® box of hope
Please Ship completed stars to:
2678 Arctic Thyme Vw. #201
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.
Let us know a little more by filling out this form
The Stars of HOPE project will reduce the emotional distance between corporations and disaster survivors by allowing employees to participate in their offices’ relief efforts. This new dynamic empowers everyday volunteers, who can now express compassion with a sense that they are partaking in something larger than themselves—and providing daily support through hand-painted stars created by each company’s workforce.
The “Box Of Hope” kit enables companies worldwide–no matter where you’re based or how big your team is–to make an impact when people need emotional support most.
We offer both in-office and virtual options. Each event is customized to fit your needs while providing wellness and self-care tools that your team can use on a daily basis. Contact fran@starsofhopeusa.org to learn more.
Your team can make a massive difference by helping out in times of disaster. We’re here to assist you with any CSR projects. We will ensure that your event is impactful for communities struck hard from natural or human-made disasters and bring wellness into the workplace environment through our “Box Of HOPE” kit initiative and service projects.
Please Ship completed stars to:
2678 Arctic Thyme Vw. #201
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Thank you for creating hope during these challenging times.